What is Haven?

Teodric Abstract: This document describes what the Haven project is about.

Availability: Public.

What is the Haven Project?

The Haven Project is a project about computer game development. It is borne out of my interest for the subject, and the ideas and opinions I have.

It is not a project aimed at creating a specific game (although there are plenty of ideas and discussion on this topic as well) but rather on game-making technologies. I suspect game developers and enthusiasts will have more interest in these pages than players in general will.

The Haven Q & A and Teodric's Credo of Digital Narrative documents explain this a little further.

Where Do I Start Reading?

There is no roadmap - this is not a tutorial or a SDK, nor is it promotion for any existing game or product.

The main page of the project lists available document categories. Once you know what you want, this is a good place to start reading. It also lists all the main sections available for reading.

The news page provides some indication as to what pages I am currently updating.


This text was written in its entirety by Olof Ekström. For more information about the author of this page, see Olof Ekström's personal information in the Project Profiles document.

Copyright © 2001-2002 Olof Ekström/Extro System. All rights reserved.

Bälinge/Uppsala, Sweden, September 2001-September 2002