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SystemRescueCd 0.3.2

From:  systemrescuecd
Date:  Thu, 11 Jan 2007 16:10:06 +0000 (UTC)
Newsgroups:  fm.announce

SystemRescueCd 0.3.2  

SystemRescueCd is a Linux system available from a bootable CDROM that
provides an easy way to perform administrative tasks on your computer,
such as creating and editing the partitions of the hard disk or backing up
data. It contains a lot of system utilities (such as parted, partimage, and
fstools), and basic programs (such as editors, midnight commander, and
network tools). It also includes GParted, a Partition Magic clone that
makes editing partitions easy with its graphical user interface. This
CDROM aims to be very easy to use and accessible to everybody, and it also
provides advanced personalization features.

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