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Re: Surf at Work: How to Bypass Most Firewall Restrictions and Access the Internet Privately

Date:  Wed, 24 Nov 2004 15:08:51 GMT
Newsgroups:  grc.linkfarm

The problem with the scenario described in this 'guide' is that since
the user is basically using SSH as a proxy and since the user is also
using actual target destinations from a local browser, it would be a
minor administrative task to find all of the URL locations that
employeed visited on that local machine, hence employee privacy is
lost.  Also, having the employee's browser set up to use a proxy would
be a red flag for administrators as well.

My way to solve this is to take it one step further.  Instead of using
the local browser as a proxy configuration, set up two outbound SSH
tunnels (typically ports 5800 and 5900) in the SSH client (putty or
whatever you use) and VNC servers on each machine in the "at home"
network.  That way you are never logging anything on the work machine
and when you find a site you surfed remotely you can save it in
favorites at home, not at work.

The VNC servers could be on as many home workstations as you wanted
and you don't have to have the same machines for the SSH server as the
VNC servers (even though you could).   And since the SSH server and
VNC servers can be different machines, you can have multiple VNC
servers running on different machines at home and connect to any of
them from one SSH connection.  All encrypted through the SSH tunnels
and the local work machine only ever shows that you visited
http://localhost:5800, not every site you wanted to vist.

For my Linux friends, tunneling would look like this:

In a root terminal:
# ssh -l joe -L 5800: -L 5900:

ssh = ssh client program executable

-l joe = username of valid user at the SSH server
(the -l is a lowercase 'L')

-L 5800: = first outbound tunnel
(the first 5800 is the local (localhost) port you will use, the is the IP of the target 'home' machine inside your trusted
network and the second 5800 is the port on the home machine you would
be using for VNC.  The ports can be different between local and target
but the target MUST match the VNC listening port at the target

-L 5900: = second tunnel needed for using VNC as a web
client. =  the way to connect to your network at home ad seen
from the internet.  This can be a registered DNS name or an IP

If this isn't clear or you want details for your specific system,
please post a question in either grc.techtalk or grc.techtalk.linux
(or whatever other group you feel is apporpriate).